Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

      In the previous chapter, we already talked about the target market and understood who are our current and future customers. After that, we have to analyze consumer behaviors how consumers make purchase decisions. Understanding the factors of consumer decision making can help marketing managers attract customers’ eyes in order to increase market shares.

      Consumers do not come out with the purchase decisions without thinking about and comparing the products. When making a decision of whether to buy, or not to buy, and what to buy or when to buy the consumer generally follows the consumer decision process. According to the book, there are five steps can be used as a guide for study how consumers make decisions.

      The first stage in the consumer decision-making process is need recognition. Back to a decade ago, people used to consider electronics to be a want more than a need. Now a day, electronic has become more popular and necessary than ever in human history that gives Apple a chance and confidence to become a giant technological company. Through its effort and (ex)internal stimulus, Apple makes its products become daily necessary goods.

      After recognizing a need or want, the next step will be search for information. There are two types of information search, internal or external information search. Most Apple consumers are loyal customers. Thus, they prefer to use internal information search that rely on previous experience with its products. For new customers, they choose external information search such as advertizing, friend’s recommendation, and promotion. All in all, if you are living on the earth, you will be able to find something about Apple.

      After getting all the information, the next step is to evaluate alternatives and purchase. Even though Apple is very popular and on the top of electronic markets, it may be lost its customers in this step because of the price. However, as we know high quality products always company with high price. Apple has so many competitors in different products. For example, Iphone v.s Samsung Galaxy, and Ipad v.s Windows tablet (I prefer Win pro). Purchasing Apple’s products is very easy, you can just simply order online with free shipping or go to one of the 253 retail stores in the U.S.

      Finally, the last step is post purchase behavior. A lot of businesses think when the product was shipped; they have done with the consumers. This is a dangerous thought. Businesses should also pay attention to post purchase behavior that determines whether the consumer is satisfied or dissatisfied with the purchase. If consumers expectations were satisfied, they will become your consumers again, otherwise, they will turn around their heads and walk away.

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