Friday, December 6, 2013

Ch. 7 - Business Marketing

Business Marketing- The marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for purposes other than personal consumption.
Traditionally, Apple’s products haven’t been primary recognized toward business organizations and enterprises because its high price level and limited diversity in the style of the products. The company’s main products such as Mac, Ipod, and Iphone didn’t have competitive advantages in business market. It more close to target individual’s consumer market. However, until the past three years, when the company came out with new product Ipad, its business market has identically increasing. With the iPad we can definitely start seeing the shift of Apple trying to appeal to business as much as the consumer.


        For educational institutions, many schools have implemented Apple’s iMac as their choice for technology use among students and faculty. In our school, we have at least four iMac in every computer lab and department.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets

             As one of the biggest technologic company around the world, Apple owns thousands and millions consumers. Thus, the market segmentation concept is crucial to the company and its market strategy. 

            Geographic Segmentation           
         For the past years Apple geographic segmentation has increase globally. Targeting to major cities around the world, such as China, Japan, Russia, Europe, and many more high-populated countries becoming a global brand. Apple has become a well-known company globally and its strategy concerning target segmentation and targeting markets are simple and open to everyone.

            Demographic Segmentation
            Apple builds its technology to suit every age group needs no matter genders. Apple income wise comes in with middle to high-class people and is use in all-ethnic groups. Apple Characteristics are very big when it comes to demographics, locations and meeting ethnic group needs. Apple computers are very big in the music industry as they are used to produce songs.

            Psychographic Segmentation

            In psychographic segmentation their personality, motive, lifestyle and geodemographics segmentation is to suit the middle to high-class consumer and customers. High income consumers more care about their living quality than others, and it also match the company’s mission statement that to bring high quality product experience to its consumers.